June 2019
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The june winners with John Aitken
Bill Burden's winning Clock
Ken Akrill's highly commended Pedestal box
Geoff Christie's commended burr clock
Nick Adamek's commended tazza
Coloured dish by Geoff Christie
Frank Hayward presented with
the medal he won at SAW
Our demonstrator for the day John Aitken
A friction drive
The friction drive in use
The underside of the first item,
a decorated dish
Sanding with the inertia sander
The bottom finished
Chestnut iridescent paints
on a stained black backround
Applying Jo Songa iridescent paint
string pull method
The paint finished with a few coats
of spray lacquer
Creating the bowl
The finished dish
2nd item started, a needle case
Thread chasing for the lid
Thread chasing the lid
The coming together
"The completed needle case
The start of a lace bobbin with a cup drive
The midland bobbin completed